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At Strathclyde Drainage Services, we are your local drain specialist, here to help with all kinds of drainage issues that can affect your home.
One of the most common problems that homes experience is blocked drains. And there is a whole range of reasons why this happens. Sometimes it is due to a build-up of debris in the pipes but other times it could be relating to damage from tree roots or a drain collapse. Therefore our services include drain inspections with the use of CCTV equipment to find the problem and make sure dealing with it is quick and efficient.
We also offer a range of plumbing services including emergency plumbing. This means we will come out to houses around the Glasgow area any time of the day or night to help if you have an emergency to stop things getting worse.
If you are extending your property or building a new one, we offer drain installation and drain testing to make sure you have the right systems in place. Older drains can often need upgrading if you are adding new bathroom or kitchen facilities as they cannot handle the increased demand and we can give you ideas about what needs doing.
We offer fixed prices for many of our services and have the experience and equipment to solve any drainage problem.
Contact Strathclyde Drainage to discuss your requirements.