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No matter how good the service you have on your boiler, there are still occasions when the boiler will break down and you need an engineer to carry out boiler repairs. Here at Strathclyde Drainage, we offer a full range of boiler repair services to help handle any problems that your boiler may develop.
One of the most common issues is a loss of pressure in the boiler. Pressure is what the boiler uses to propel the heated water around the house to the radiators and heat the house. If the pressure drops, the boiler can’t move the water and parts of the house will remain cold.
There are two main issues with pressure – leaks and radiators that need bleeding. Bleeding your radiators is a job often done yourself with a special key and a bucket to catch the water – although you can always call an engineer if you are unsure how to do it. Leaks or other pressure problems definitely need an engineer to visit to find out what is going on and what is the best solution.
When you do call an engineer, make sure they are Gas Safe registered (which we are) so that you are always sure the work you have done is within the regulations and best practices.
Contact Strathclyde Drainage to discuss your requirements.