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Central heating repairs are something we all want to avoid but if the worst happens and the system breaks down, you want to get qualified, expert help quickly. At Strathclyde Drainage, we are experts in heating and drainage systems and can handle any problems with either.
There are lots of things that can go wrong with heating systems, even when they are regularly maintained. From the boiler not functioning to leaking radiators or a damage thermostat, the system has lots of things that can lead to problems. We can handle all of them for you, ensuring repairs are to the highest standard and done as quickly as possible, especially in winter when you need that heat!
We offer a comprehensive range of services for heating including repairs, servicing and one-time replacement services. If you are experiencing a problem with your heating, it is important to get someone to look at it as soon as possible as this often prevents a breakdown. Should the worst happen, and you find you have no heating, we will be with you as quickly as possible to sort the problem.
Don’t live wondering when you heating is going to break down or put up with niggling problems. Contact Strathclyde Drainage today to book an appointment and let us size up the problem for you.