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When it comes to diagnosing structural damage in drains, there are a few important things you need to consider. First of all, the extent and severity of the damage must be determined. Are there cracks in the walls or foundation? Are there signs of water infiltration? Are any pipes broken or disconnected? All of these factors must be examined before a diagnosis can be made.
Once the extent and severity of damage have been determined, the cause needs to be found. Is it due to poor maintenance over time, or is it a result of external factors such as flooding or tree roots growing into pipes? These should all be assessed and investigated before any further action is taken.
Once the source of the problem is established, solutions can then be proposed. Depending on the type and extent of damages, different solutions may be necessary, such as pipe repairs, replacement sections, or even total replacements may be required. However, it is essential that professional advice and expertise are sought before starting any work on drains.
Finally, after repairs are completed, preventive measures must also be put in place to avoid similar situations in future. Regular inspections will help detect any potential problems early on so that quick action can be taken to minimise long-term costs and inconvenience for everyone involved.