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24 Hour:07949 733 244
Stathclyde Drainage Services provides an emergency plumbing services to clients throughout the greater Glasgow area.
If you have a plumbing emergency that requires urgent attention - contact us FREE on: 0800 612 7042
When the word 'emergency' is inserted into a sentence, some companies seem to see this as an excuse to charge a far greater than normal fee because they realise the householder needs help urgently. So how do you find an emergency plumber in Glasgow who won't take advantage of your bad luck?
One of the best tips is to find a company who are reliable and trustworthy then keep their details should an emergency arise. Most companies will be able to give a quote for a job in general terms, although this can change if problems occur, but if the company refuse to give you some idea of cost before coming out, then have a pause. For example, most companies will have a fee for a simple unblocking and another basic fee for a mechanical unblocking while the use of a CCTV camera system might have an hourly fee.
If you do get caught out without any information to hand, take a quick look at the company's website before calling them as often their price structure or ideas will be displayed here. Then if you ring up and suddenly the price is outrageously high because you have an emergency, then on to the next company you should go!
While it seems that the news are filled with stories of rogue tradesman and bad deals, most tradesman today apply to certain standards and are members of professional bodies. Therefore look for the standards on offer from the company you are considering and this can give you peace of mind about the quality of service you will receive.
Contact Strathclyde Drainage to discuss your requirements.